Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority is hosting their quarterly Local Disadvantage Business Enterprise Certification Workshop.

Who Should Attend: Small businesses organized for-profit that are located within a 100-mile radius of Washington D.C.’s Zero-mile marker!

Come learn all about how the Local Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (LDBE) Certification can help you do business with the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority!

This workshop will provide a step-by-step guide on how to apply for your company’s LDBE certification, post-certification benefits and tips, and allow for a face-to-face Q&A session to address all your questions and concerns regarding the program!

Post-certification benefits include:

  • Access to the Airports Authority Contracting Opportunities
  • Educational opportunities based on firm’s industry and capabilities
  • Real-time communication of MWAA Signature Outreach events to include “How to do Business with MWAA”, Industry days, Meet the MWAA primes
  • Invitation to MWAA strategic partners’ events to enhance connectivity with other prime contractors

Please visit to register. Event registration will remain open until full. SPACE IS LIMITED!